About me

A few words about yourself


The road from a hobby to a way of life

My adventure with freestyle football began in 2005, which is more than 18 years ago. At the time, I didn’t think that one of my passions would turn into an opportunity to perform in front of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

Over the past few years, I have achieved many personal successes. The biggest is undoubtedly the qualification for the World Cup finals in Brazil, which made me realize that the path the idea is the right one.

My achievements

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Shows around the world

I have had the pleasure of performing at many events around the world. These were unforgettable events for me as much as for the audience. What all people have in common is the need to have fun. My performances are primarily designed to entertain people and give them the feeling of having a nice time.

My favorite performances


Freestyle World Cup in Brazil

One winner was selected from each country to represent their country at the finals in Salvador. I had the opportunity to represent Poland. In Brazil, we were divided into eight, five-person groups. The best 16 of the championship were then selected from the groups. I managed to qualify for the final round, which was played in a knockout system. And again I managed to win, however, in the next round I ended up against an Englishman, Andrew Henderson, who eventually became the World Champion and I ended up participating in the 1/4 finals.


Known and liked in public opinion

Artists and athletes are impressed by my performances. Some of them recorded a short video for me.


My TV appearances

Every now and then I appear for television and give interviews. This is a great opportunity for me to share my passion with the audience and show how much work I have put into perfecting my skills. It’s also motivating to continue to grow and seek new challenges.


Evaluations of my speeches and workshops

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